Ice House Pub

408 Tamiami Trail North
Punta Gorda, FL 33950
(941) 575-0866
Please Note:  The only place to find the current scrumptious Icehouse Pub Menu, is here, at the Icehouse Pub’s Website.  Copies found on other websites may be outdated, wrong, or scraped by companies of dubious moral scruples, who copy old information, so that they can charge to update it.  Mentioning no name of course...  Not even Locu by GoDaddy...

Icehouse Steak Sandwich

Icehouse Steak Sandwich
Thinly shaved bottom round steak sautéed with onions, red and green peppers and mushrooms. Served on a fresh toasted hoagie roll and topped with your favorite melted cheese. Served with chips
Choice of peppers: Green bell pepper, Banana pepper, Jalapeno Peppers.
May substitute grilled chicken.
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