Ice House Pub

Punta Gorda, FL 33950
The Ice House Pub is an authentic English styled pub, located in the heart of Punta Gorda.
Behind the 37 foot long mahogany bar are 26 taps dispensing the best beers from around the world like Guinness, Harp, Boddingston's, Stella Artois and Kronenbourg 1664, along with many American favorites like Yuengling, Blue Moon, Sierra Nevada and Dales.
Every Saturday starting at 8PM. Everyone is welcome to play!
Mondays - Women's League
Wednesdays - Mixed League
Don't be intimidated by the term "LEAGUE," beginners are always welcome! We will teach you everything you need to know, guide you through a couple games and remind you that its not always about the skill or about winning the round. Its really about the fun of it!
This is a great way to meet new friends and enjoy yourself. You can join as an indiviual or build a team of four. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be in touch